There’s a difference between loving your child and letting your teen doing whatever he/she wants. There’s also a difference between you helping your kid fix a broken bike and allowing your teen escape the punishments of his/her wrongful actions. Your teenager should know that when he/she makes a wrong decision that it comes with consequences. He/she also needs to know that even if you love him/her more than anything in this world, you won’t condone any unlawful activities and wrongdoings. Your child is nearly an adult who sooner or later will be able to care for himself/herself and you won’t be there always to catch him/her.

Why Should You Teach Your Teen Not To Break The Law?

Your teenager may push your patience, but there are times that he/she may flout rules or break the law that may result in something severe or tragic. The good news is, all teens go through this stage in life but the bad news is that if you keep condoning your child’s actions, he/she will end up in jail or die.

Actions That Can Lead To Breaking The Law

There are specific actions of your teenager that may seem okay to you for now, but will, later on lead to breaking the law. You can watch out for these actions:

  • Bullying
  • Disagreeing with friends or other members of the family
  • Possessing of firearms illegally
  • Drinking alcohol or using drugs
  • Stealing
  • Trespassing on other people’s property
  • Vandalizing
  • Breaking school rules
  • Committing violence

Effects Of Breaking The Law

If your child breaks the law, his/her actions will affect his/life temporarily, or worse, permanently. These effects might be the results of his/her juvenile delinquency:

  • Getting assigned to a juvenile detention center
  • Losing interest in school or any activities
  • Getting humiliated by his/her actions
  • Misunderstandings in the family
  • Getting depressed
  • Being unable to find a decent job
  • Getting untimely pregnant
  • Withdrawing from interaction with other people
  • Getting incarcerated 

Tips On How To Teach Teens To Not Get Involved With The Law

It can be challenging to deal with teenagers, especially since they always change moods and don’t want you intervening in their lives. However, as a parent, it’s crucial for you to love, care, and guide your child at this stage of his/her life.

  1. Get your teen educated.

If you want to instill in your teenager’s mind that if he/she breaks the law and he/she is punishable for it, then you should get him/her into school. Enroll him/her in an institution that’s educational. You should make sure that you supervise his/her schedule and communicate with his/her teachers and administrators. Doing this will let you have a better picture of your teenager’s activities.

Apart from making your teenager go to an educational institution, you can also do the following:

  • Make your teen attend conferences or symposiums that are arranged by people, groups, or the government
  • Regularly talk to your teen personally and educate him/her of the punishments for committing juvenile crime
  • Give him/her other educational materials such as handbooks, DVDs, and pamphlets about juvenile delinquency 

2. Let your teen go through peer counseling.

To better know your child, you can also try knowing the people he/she hangs out with. Remember that, “Birds of the same feathers, flock out together.” Thus, you’ll get a better picture of what kind of people your child hangs out with and how does he/she socialize outside of your home. You don’t need to be really involved with his/her friends, keeping in touch would be enough.

You can also make sure that you involve your teen in peer counseling sessions that are organized by:

  • Non-government institutions
  • Government organizations
  • School groups
  • Churches 

3. You should impose a reasonable curfew on your teen.

A lot of juveniles are out during night time. This is why it’s crucial for you to keep your teenager at home in the evening until the wee hours in the morning. Doing this will let you keep him/her safe.

Yes, imposing a reasonable curfew can make your child resent it for awhile. However, if you explain to him/her why you impose a curfew, you will make him/her understand that you’re protecting him/her.  

4. Encourage your teenager to join extra-curricular activities.

Some people can be a dangerous influence on your teen. However, you can remedy this by letting him/her join extracurricular activities. You can make him/her try these activities:

  • Debate clubs
  • Band
  • School paper/publications
  • Arts clubs
  • Sports clubs
  • Church group

These activities will not only enhance your child’s skills and talents, but will also focus them on positive activities and avoid getting involved in crime. 

5. You should establish a stable relationship with your teen.

If you want your teen to avoid breaking the law, always connect with your child and become an excellent model for him/her. Good parenting is a big factor in preventing your child from getting involved with the law. You can build a better relationship with your teen by:

  • Regularly communicating with him/her
  • Asking him/her about how was his/her day, studies, and social life
  • Be clear with him/her about the rules
  • Go on trips with him/her
  • Support his/her every endeavor 

Get Legal Help

If your teen gets involved in a crime or has become delinquent, be sure to click here to get in touch with a lawyer immediately. The lawyer will be able to help you deal with the legal problem. He/she may also be able to help you make your teenager understand that breaking the law is wrong.

You Love Your Teenager

Yes, you love your child; every parent does, but you shouldn’t molly cuddle him/her. Teenagers are highly at risk of becoming delinquents since they’re vulnerable. However, if you intervene early on, you can minimize his/her chances of breaking the law. 

Sabrina Wright

Sabrina Wright is a vibrant young law writer currently writing her next big project. Her modern outlook on the law field is reflected on her informative pieces. Sabrina loves cooking and often invites her friends over for barbecue.

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