Infertility is a condition where the reproductive system prevents an intrauterine conception. The diagnosis of infertility is usually given to the couple when they have failed conceiving, after trying for at least 12 months. It is a condition, where couples have a hard time getting pregnant as well as staying pregnant. However, it is highly recommended to seek help from a reproductive endocrinologist or to visit an Infertility treatment center in Noida. Where consulting the doctor is the immediate choice, it is also important to know the factors that cause infertility in women.

So, what are the factors causing infertility?

Matured Maternal Age

Initially, women use to conceive in their early twenties, when age-related abnormalities with pregnancy were not evident. Today, women are delaying their pregnancy until their 30s and 40s. This has shown an adverse effect of aging on the egg formation and proper functioning. The female age-related infertility is the most common factor causing infertility today. It is because as women age, the rate of formation of eggs decreases rapidly. Also, with age advancing, the egg quality and probability of egg being genetically normal decreases as well. Hence, when women are in the early 30s and 40s, an ability to conceive normal pregnancy decreases. Women are rarely fertile after the age of 45. Pregnancy is often easier and less risky for women in their 20s. It is because women at an early age are at lower risk of health disorders and complications like diabetes, blood pressure, thyroid, etc.

Irregularity in Ovulation

One of the Infertility treatment centers in Noida explains the importance of regular ovulation cycle. The normal and regular ovulation or release of the mature egg is important to conceive a normal pregnancy. Using ovulation predictor kit or simply calendar marking, one can keep a track on ovulation cycle. There are many disorders that hamper the ability of women to ovulate normally. The factors that can affect the ovulation cycle are Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), ovarian insufficiency, and Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism (HH). The good news is that the irregularity in ovulation is treatable. The doctor discovers the factor affecting the cycle and provides the necessary treatment accordingly. Women going through an abnormal ovulation should consider visiting a nearby infertility treatment center in Noida for the effective treatment of the problem.

Blockage in Tubal

Tubal obstruction causes infertility in women when an ovulated egg in the fallopian tube is unable to reach the sperm and get fertilized. Infertility also occurs when the egg is unable to reach the endometrial cavity. In case, both the fallopian tubes are blocked then the doctor recommends In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) as an immediate treatment. And, if the tubes are filled and blocked by a liquid called hydrosalpinx then doctor either removes the tube or blocks it from the uterus. The doctor also recommends an invasive surgery called laparoscopy or hysteroscopy in order to remove the blockage and know the cause of it if needed.

Presence of Fibroids

More than 40% of women visit the Infertility treatment center in Noida for Uterine Fibroids treatment. There are three types of Fibroids:

  1. Intramural Fibroids: present within the muscle of the uterus
  2. Subserosal Fibroids: present outside the uterus
  3. sub mucosal Fibroids: present in the uterine cavity

Sub mucosal Fibroids is known to decrease the pregnancy rate by 50% and removal of which can double the rate of conceiving. In certain cases, simply removing the Sub mucosal Fibroids can solve the infertility problems. But, then, every patient is different with a unique functioning of the reproductive organs. It all depends on the case of the patient to provide a proper and an effective treatment for the problem. Where Sub mucosal Fibroids can adversely affect pregnancy, the Subserosal Fibroids is safe and show no signs of causing infertility. On the other hand, the Intramural Fibroids has to be removed completely to avoid infertility. The doctor carefully examines the patient to find out whether or not the removal of Fibroids is needed. In certain cases, medicines can also work in treating the disorder. But, it is recommended to check with the doctor and visit the Infertility treatment center in Noida for a full-spectrum examination.

Endometrial Polyps

It is a finger-like growth in the uterine cavity originating from the lining of the uterus. Any abnormality in Endometrial Polyps decreases the fertility rate by approximately 50%. Removing Polyps using a minimally invasive method called hysteroscopy can double the pregnancy rate. In some cases, simply removing the Polyps can solve infertility in women.


Endometriosis is a condition where the cells called endometrium are found on the outside area of the uterine cavity. The reproductive-aged women are prone to this condition. This condition causes inflammation and scars, and it is further associated to cause infertility and pain during periods/ intercourse. The condition, if prolonged, has the adverse effects on egg and sperm. Only the laparoscopy surgery can confirm the presence of Endometriosis in women. Its removal can improve the condition, decreases the pain, and increases the ability of women to take and last a normal pregnancy. The doctor carefully examines the patient’s history, take the physical examination and ultrasound, and based on them prescribes the treatment.

What are the treatment options for infertility?

  1. Educating: The doctors at the Infertility treatment center in Noida believes that the patients should be educated more about the causes, normal processes and effective methods for infertility.
  2. Medication to enhance egg development and ovulation: The medicines are available in two forms, pills and injections. The most common pill that stimulates egg formation in the ovary is clomiphene citrate and the injection is called gonadotropins.
  3. Intrauterine insemination: It is a treatment in which sperms are washed and prepared to get placed in the uterine cavity. It bypasses the cervix and allows the high-concentration of motile sperm to be in contact with the fallopian tubes and ovulated egg.
  4. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): In the embryology lab, the eggs are collected and fertilized by sperm outside the body. It has given many women a chance to enjoy pregnancy who were previously believed to be permanently infertile. This method involves the removal of eggs from the ovary, fertilization with sperm, and transfer of the embryos directly to the uterus, bypassing the fallopian tubes.

Also, there are other treatments that help in preventing infertility and are not listed here. The treatment largely depends on the patient’s case history. And, as every patient varies with the case history and physical examination, the treatment also differs. It is important for women struggling with infertility to partner with the best gynecologist in the nearby area before trying to conceive. This will double-sure their pregnancy rate followed by a healthy delivery.

Pregnancy is a gift. Becoming mother is a blessing. Live and relive pregnancy with Nidan Mother and Child Care Center. It is one of the famous Infertility treatment centers in Noida. Visit our website for more information.

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