For treasuring the best memories of dining in London, you have to be innovative in selecting the restaurant that is offbeat in its presentation. If you are eager to experiment with the location while enjoying the best food that is comparable with the best while providing the most exquisite dining experience that lingers throughout your life, you have to choose the dinner or lunch cruise on the Thames. With the festive season now in full flow and people ready to celebrate Christmas and welcome the New Year, the leading tour operator’s website witnesses huge traffic.

The cruises operate throughout the day, and you can choose between lunch and dinner depending on the way you want to celebrate. However, you get the same kind of enjoyment from the cruises that promise to pay back more. If you find it difficult to make it to the dinner cruise, which is most popular, you can work out a program for having lunch while sailing and viewing in the beauty of the cityscape. Whether you want to set up a romantic date with your partner or want to treat your guests and family, the dinner cruise is just right for you.

Dinner cruise on the Thames
Considered as the most preferred cruise package, the dinner cruise has the power to entertain without limits. For the most exclusive experience in fine dining, you must find time to be there on the luxury boat and savour the freshly served food that could leave tongues wagging. The journey itself is so magical and romantic that you could feel that the three-hour slot allotted for the evening is just too short. As you keep gazing at the historical buildings and structures while sailing past, sipping at the glass of your favourite drink, enjoying the music, you seem to transcend into a different world that is completely new from the London that you knew. The four-course dinner served in a la carte style would create memories that you would like to refresh very soon.

Lunch cruise is equally exciting
The lunch cruise between Wednesday and Saturday at is the daytime version of the dinner cruise. It replicates the elements of the famous dinner cruise to give guests the same feelings and experience. Except that it is a daytime cruise and the daylight viewing experience of the cityscape is more exciting, the experience of dining is the same. The same level of hospitality and entertainment that has made the dinner cruises famous is the hallmark of the lunch cruises. The viewing pleasure is much more during the daytime as a recorded commentary adds to the satisfaction of the guests.

Going for the lunch cruise means that you would be spending just 90 minutes on board as compared to the three-hour duration of the dinner cruise. However, the quality of entertainment and enjoyment makes up for the lesser duration of the trip. The biggest takeaway is the memory that you carry home that keeps lingering for days.

Author Bio: Silvia Watson is a freelance content writer. She has written many good and informative articles on different categories such as technology, health, fashion, education, career, travel etc. She is a featured author at various authoritative blogs in the health and fitness industry and currently associated as a blogger with

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