Sick of writing down the same ‘lose 5kgs’ resolution in your journal each New Year’s Day and then quickly falling off the wagon once the buzz of the festive season wears off? You’re not alone – it’s more common than not for people to set resolutions, only to quickly forget or neglect them within weeks. Why not use this time of intention-setting to implement gradual, achievable lifestyle changes instead? Here are just a few ideas of some New Year’s resolutions that will truly have a positive impact on your life, but don’t involve a huge commitment or change that you’re not really ready to make.

frozen acai

  1. Start drinking a smoothie a day. Diet changes are one of the most common New Year’s resolution favorites, and they’re also one of the resolutions that are most likely to fall apart quickly. That’s because making a huge change to your diet after a season of festive fun and family meals can be genuinely difficult, and will probably just set you up for a yo-yo diet disaster. Instead, make a resolution to replace your breakfast cereal with an antioxidant-packed smoothie instead. You can get frozen acai wholesale; a superfood that packs a real nutrient punch, and mixes it up with your favorite fruits to get an awesome start to your day without feeling like you’re depriving yourself of all your favorite foods.
  2. Commit to self-care. Self-care has become something of a buzzword recently, but it’s more than just bubble baths and face masks. Your resolution to bring more self-care into your life could mean saying no more often and creating strong boundaries with certain people or cutting down on commitments that are draining your energy without bringing you joy. Consider what you truly need and make a commitment to care for yourself this year in whatever way that may be.
  3. Begin to budget wisely. It may not sound like much fun, but setting a New Year’s resolution around your finances could lead to a much more relaxed festive season next year. If you’ve been struggling financially, perhaps it’s time to set an intention to start carefully managing your budget and setting aside a certain amount each month to deposit into a savings account. Just sitting down and taking a good look at your finances and where you may be able to slash some expenses can be a great start.
  4. Make time for those you love. If 2018 has been a year spent mostly transporting yourself between your office desk and your bed, perhaps 2019 could be the year you dedicate to making more space in your life for the people you care about. Scheduling your time carefully and committing to a particular time each week that you see friends or go to visit an elderly relative could really transform the way you live your life.
  5. Practice compassion. We can all do our part to make the world a better place – even you. Carve out a little time each week to spend volunteering or doing something positive for someone in need. This could mean volunteering with an organization or simply finding a way to practice good deeds on a regular basis without expecting anything in return. This simple resolution can genuinely enhance your quality of life, as well as the lives of others.

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