If you are a busy executive or even if you work from home, you often tend to ignore your own needs or sometimes forget about yourself. You may say that you take yourself for granted. This kind of attitude is not a good thing when it comes to following a proper diet for yourself. Whether you wish to have 6 small meals a day or 3 square meals, it is important to be rather disciplined in life in order to follow a diet properly and to get proper results. The best option for people like you is to have a good quality meal replacement drink that can compensate for any nutrient deficiencies in your body and also help you lead a healthy and fit life.

What Exactly Is Soylent?

Most of you may have heard about Soylent meal replacement at MealReplacementReview Pro. It is one of the most recently made and reformulated meal replacement drink available at the stores. It is basically an engineered staple food that is especially designed to provide you with maximum nutrition with minimum effort. Soylent meal replacement is a good way to consume your daily dose of essential nutrients without actually eating anything. It contains carbs, protein, fats, various types of minerals such as potassium and iron. The best part is that unlike various other diet shakes available in the market, Soylent happens to be FDA approved, which makes it absolutely legit.

Most of you may wonder whether having meal replacements can help you compensate for nutrient deficiencies if you skip meals. Well, in reality, this is possible only if the meal replacement contains a proper dosage of all the essential nutrients and provides a sufficient amount of calories in each drink. Soylent is one of those few meal replacements that can help replace any proper meal easily. It provides 400 calories in each serving and 21gm of fat.

What about the Taste?

Unlike most other protein shakes or meal replacements, Soylent actually looks like a shake and also tastes like one. Basically, it has a neutral taste that lets you digest it pretty easily and add any flavor of your choice to it. You will find many people blending it with berries and some even spicing it up to some extent. The first few days will seem acceptable to you, especially the transition from solid to liquid. You will also not feel any difficulty when you need to skip solid meals and have liquid meals instead.

However, things will get a bit tougher from the following day onwards. When you wake up in the morning, you will feel terribly hungry and feel the urge to have something immediately. You will feel more tired than those normal days and you will feel like laying down on the bed for longer. This is quite normal especially when you have been living off a healthy dose of fat in your primary diet, along with carbs and a bit of protein. This sudden switch is bound to make your feel awkward. During this adjustment period, you will feel tired and more exhausted than usual.

This sudden change of diet will surely make you rush to the toilet more often than on other days. Although this will make you lose some weight, this loss of weight is just temporary. Many of you may also feel dehydrated with chapped lips. However, you will not feel thirsty since you are practically drinking your meal and not eating it. Most of you will also miss those real meals that you used to eat all these days. Most of you may also dream of various types of foods and food items in various forms.

Having Soylent as a meal replacement is a good idea provided you have the determination to continue with it until you get the desired results. The going will certainly be tough, especially the transition stage when you shift from solid foods to liquid foods. Although your body will support your decision for the first couple of days, it will retaliate badly after that time. It is not a good idea to live off on Soylent on a permanent basis. However, it is not a bad idea to have a few of the Soylent bottles ready in the fridge for those long working hours when you do not get enough time to have a proper meal and instead tend to grab onto junk food. With a bottle of Soylent by your side, your body will support your long working hours and also remain fit and healthy for a long time.

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