Business promotion isn’t the easiest thing in the world, however when done right, you have a high chance of gaining more loyal, long term customers for your business. With increased customers coming through your door, you have the potential to really thrive in such a competitive world. Here’s some key tips on promoting your business better for long term success.

Add Call To Actions Smartly

A call to action is a vital component of any marketing campaign or promotion. Your call to action needs to be simple, visible and positioned in the right areas to ensure customers are prompted to take that next step. Call to actions are best positioned above the fold of a website, in your team’s email signature, in your social media posts, at the bottom of your content and more. Your call to action should be clearly marked. Generally, companies like to use a bright colored button or simple wording to entice people to make the next move. By incorporating them into your promotions in a smart way you can increase your leads greatly.

Setup A Google My Business Account

A Google My Business account is essential when you want to promote your business better. Not only is Google a search engine but a small business directory as well. Google My Business allows you to list on Google maps and Search and can also help improve your SEO for your business as well. This means that more people will be able to find your services when looking for your business name or a business with your services in your area. Google My Business also helps when people start reviewing your business. These reviews can help get your business displayed into their 3 pack tier which allows you to have more free advertising.

Create An Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing is a big thing when trying to promote your business. Email marketing has a way to reach your desired target audience in a more personal way. When conducting email marketing it’s important to first work out who your target audience is by narrowing down you are demographics of ideal customers. Once you have this you can then collect a database of potential customers ready to email. When emailing any new potential customers it’s important to personalize your email by adding their first name and keeping the email simple and straight to the point. Long drawn out emails aren’t read and are only clicked as spam. Keep this in mind when working out your email template.

Offer Free or Discounted Items

Last but not least, it’s also a good idea to offer free or discounted produce from time to time in limited time deals. These types of promotions can really draw in a crowd and are a great way to not only get rid of old stock but also a way to get your name out there and become a business people want to buy from. Don’t forget to advertise your limited time sale in flyers, social media and on your website to help get your message across.


When it comes to promoting your business better to your customers, these are just some of the great ways you can achieve this. While it does take time to really build your customer base and promote your business, it will pay off in the end. Successful businesses like Capstone aren’t built overnight, it takes time and a lot of planning. So are you ready to promote your business better?

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