Are you an Independent artist who is going crazy thinking about the dearth of popularity of your previous tracks? “Take it slow”, “Have faith”, “Give it some time” have been the only advices people could offer you. You know what, even the expert of the industry have almost same advices for you but with a touch of their experience and dexterity. If you are feeling low or going blue thinking about your “good old songs” then read on to wash off the hopelessness and fill yourself with reasons and means to get back the popularity your tracks deserved.

Releasing music is not a piece of cake. It is certainly not a matter of a day. Having said that, let me explain you the reasons that made me think this way. The thing is when we release a track at that time the track is in its nascent stages and it can only reach towards a small group of people. No matter how hard we try, but trying to think that releasing music is a one day’s affair is a serious deal breaker.We need to look for ways and means to release our track again and again so that it scales up the ladder of popularity.

Here are the things an artist must do in a period of 12 months to promote their old song

1. Did your song get to the “trending” playlist in Songdew?

If you are thinking that you’ve reached the finish line by releasing your music on Songdew then I would like to correct you there. Songdew has “trending” playlist on its website that picks out the most searched and loved songs of the web and puts them in a place. But is your song on that playlist? If yes then congratulations, If not then you must make sure that your track gets added to the English Songs Download – “trending” playlist of Songdew.

2. Did you share the “Artist Card” on your social media handles?

Songdew offers an “Artist Card” to an artist whose song is added to the trending playlist. Once your Song gets added on the “trending” playlist of Songdew, you must make sure you share the artist card you received from Songdew. This artist card is that astounding idea that’ll give you better reasons to share your tracks again and again. Moreover, this card will speak for your track and will make sure that you create a big space in the hearts of your fans. All you got to do is share. You must make it a point to share this artist cards on all social media handles so that you do not allow people to forget you and your soulful track.

3. Did you put #throwback and share it on social media handles?

Simply put #throwback on your previous songs and share them yet again on all social media platforms.

You must be wondering what’s the point of this step? Well actually, this step is the most striking and telling of all the ideas. If you check your analytics, you’ll find that in a period of 12 months your social media accounts or pages might have garnered more likes and followers. These new followers might want to listen more of your songs? This is a clear and the most obvious reason to release your track again so that the new follower gets to check out the track they missed out.

Hence these were some of the most sure shot ways to get your followers fall in love with your music and your voice. You must keep finding reasons to release your track again and again so that your tracks are heard by millions of people around the world. I hope you’ll keep these pointers in mind and try to find more and more reasons to release your track in a period of a year.

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