Ever wondered why a CT scan has been scripted in your prescription. You probably don’t even stop to think about what this imaging test can do that your health is about to benefit from the medical marvel that is before you.

With the advancement of CT scanning technology over the last few decades, the precision of multi-dimensional images of the body have improved astronomically. These diagnose have helped in treatment of array of serious condition with a level of accuracy and speed like never before.

Things CT Scan do

Computed Tomography (CT) imaging is also known as Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) scanning.

The word ‘computed’ means that highly advance computer technology is used to analyze the x-ray images produced by the CT scan machine. These programs allow radiologists to take pictures or do any configurational change in the image. The fact that you could zoom on such images to a sophisticated level of details, is quite remarkable.

‘Axial’ indicates to an anatomical plane of the body. In a CT scan, multiple sections of scans with depth are generated in the axial plane through a technique called ‘tomography’ which display cross section through a human body.

As a result, you get multiple, highly detailed pictures of the human body is captured in seconds.

CT scan advantages over X-rays

A CT scan is essentially an x-ray, but a much more advanced version of it. While x-rays provide only 2D images, with a flat picture of all body structures superimposed on top of each other on a single plane. The CT scan allows you to arrange the x-rays so they rotate around the patient to capture image in multiple section at different angles.

That’s why for a CT scan, you lay on a table, and machine has an x-ray tube that moves around you. It rotates around up to 360 degrees, allowing up to 360 individual pictures of the body to be taken at slightly different positions.

Software with advanced algebra is used to subtract densities at different angles. It has been claimed that a CT scan do lot more than what we are using it for now.

Advancements in CT scan

Invented in the 70s in England, CT scans were used to generate images of the brain. Before this there was no way to generate images of body’s soft tissues or structures, such as tumors, infection, blood, etc.

But with the advancement in CT scan, few of unimaginable scans such as head trauma or headaches, stoke, cancer, blood cots, pneumonia and fractures are been scanned in seconds. Considering the fact that the first-generation CT scan took minutes to scan just one cross-section, today’s CT scans have advanced exponentially to scan the entire body and produce hundreds of images in mere seconds.

Few CT scan centers in Chennai are offering an extensive range of convenient and leading edge imaging services. This technology has changed the medical field for good. Diagnosing has reached a new high, which in turn has improved medical treatment against many diseases.

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