People pay high subscription and go to the gym, do rigorous exercise, they diet and do every possible thing to reduce their fats and build a good body. But everybody does not get the right path to do so. Adonis golden ratio program is one such body building program that will help men to build an appealing body at a very reasonable price. It is a very unique program that helps to lose fat and add muscle.

The Adonis golden ratio program includes three steps which are tailored according to the Adonis index of the individual. Adonis index is the ratio which is arrived at considering certain body measurements.

1. Training program includes:

  • Tricks to create an anabolic growth advantage for weakest muscle to bring strength, balance and proportion to your physique.
  • Series of exercises for fat loss and creation of lean muscle
  • Never to do exercise
  • 78 advanced exercise, professional tips, and tricks to ensure consistent gain.

2. Nutrition Program includes:

What does the Adonis golden ratio program contain

  • Customized nutrition plan as per the Adonis index to make sure you are eating right to maximum fat loss and lean muscle growth.
  • Customized meals, calories and nutrient ratios to achieve the Adonis index ratio.
  • Idea about bad foods which needs to be avoided
  • Giving idea about the cheat foods to increase metabolism
  • Explaining the combination of specific foods with specific workouts to create lean muscle
  • Explaining the ill effects of consuming too much protein
  • Suggestions about the substitutes of protein

3. Supplementation Guide:

  • Information about the right usage of supplementation
  • Details about how and when to use supplements
  • Explains why 90% of protein supplements are dangerous to health and are waste
  • Names of 2 recognized and trustworthy supplements
  • Name of 1 fat burner that guarantee results

Adonis golden ratio program is the quickest, safest and the most effective way to build an appealing physique.

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